Special settings

[ACE]Hosts got a lot of amazing presets, some different ways to play games.
Check them out to have even more funny games.


Prepare the global preset for [team / FFA] games

!presets lists available presets on the current host you’re playing.
Allowed presets for the current host are placed into [brackets].
[*] Means that it is the current active battle preset. Have a look of an exemple from
[ACE]Pirine : *BA* ~~{Team} / {FFA}~~ Make SpringRTS great again *\o/*
[12:35:02] <[ACE]FabriceFABS> !presets
[12:35:02] <[ACE]Pirine> ********** AutoHost global presets **********
[12:35:02] [ ] 1v1 (1v1 Duel games for being less noob !)
[12:35:02] [ ] 1v1v1 (1 player per team – 16 teams – 16 players max)
[12:35:02] [ ] 2v2v2 (2 players per team – 8 teams – 16 players max)
[12:35:02] [ ] 3v3 (3v3 small games on small maps for being less noob !)
[12:35:03] [ ] 3v3v3 (3 players per team – 5 teams – 15 players max)
[12:35:03] [ ] 4v4-ACM (4v4 Area Capture Mode games)
[12:35:03] [ ] 4v4v4 (4 players per team – 4 teams – 16 players max)
[12:35:03] [ ] 6v6 (6v6 medium games.)
[12:35:03] [ ] BA-CD (Balanced Annihilation Chicken Defense games)
[12:35:03] [*] Team (Team games, upto 8v8.) *** DEFAULT ***

[ACE]Pirine titled *BA* ~~{Team} / {FFA}~~ Make SpringRTS great again *\o/*
This host is by default, a team host. Its description starts by {Team} and [*] above shows it’s by default TeamPLAY.
If you want to play a FFA game, simply type :
!1v1v1, or !2v2v2, or !3v3v3 or !4v4v4. See just above for presets description.
To switch back Team mode, type !Team.
For your information, to call a preset, you can use !preset command. But it is facultative.
I did aliases (!preset Team = !Team, !preset 1v1v1 = !1v1v1…….).



Prepare the funny battle preset for games

!bpresets lists available presets on the current host you’re playing.
Allowed presets for the current host are placed into [brackets] (showed below in bold).
[*] Means that it is the current active battle preset. Have a look of an exemple from
[ACE]Pirine : *BA* ~~{Team} / {FFA}~~ Make SpringRTS great again *\o/*[17:04:24]
<[ACE]FabriceFABS> !bpresets

[17:04:24] <[ACE]Pirine> ********** Available battle presets **********
[17:04:24] 1v1 (Small 1v1 duel games.)
[17:04:24] 3v3 (Small 3v3 team games.)
[17:04:24] 450_Epic (BA / BAR Chicken Defense : 450s GracePeriod, Epic Queen.)
[17:04:24] ACM (Area Capture Mode games.)
[17:04:24] BA-CD (Balanced Annihilation-Chicken Defense game)
[17:04:24] BAR (Balanced Annihilaton Core Reloaded)
[17:04:24] BAR-CD (Balanced Annihilation Reloaded-Chicken Defense game)
[17:04:24] Metal (Metal paradise)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoAir (No air unit in game.)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoDef (Static defense like active tower, missiles or mines are disabled.)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoKBot (No K-Bot unit in game.)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoLOLCanon (For a game without Vulcan and Buzzsaw.)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoRush35 (Limited unit count to 35 : µ-manage your units !!)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoRush50 (Limited unit count to 50 : µ-manage your units !!)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoRush75 (Limited unit count to 75 : µ-manage your units !!)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoT2 (T1 war game, no T2 units and also by consequent no T3 units too.)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoT3 (No experimental Gantry = No T3 units.)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoTime12 (At 12 min armageddon time, every immobile unit is destroyed and you fight to the death with what’s left !)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoTime17 (At 17 min armageddon time, every immobile unit is destroyed and you fight to the death with what’s left !)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoTime65 (At 65 min armageddon time, every immobile unit is destroyed and you fight to the death with what’s left !)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoTime8 (At 8 min armageddon time, every immobile unit is destroyed and you fight to the death with what’s left !)
[17:04:24] [ ] NoVeh (No Vehicules unit in game.)
[17:04:24] [*] Normal (Normal game, no special setting.)
[17:04:24] Normal-FFA (<<< FreeForAll Paradise >>>)
[17:04:24] QueenWrath (BA Chicken Defense : GracePeriod = 900, Start Energy & Metal = 10000, Queen = Survival, MaxQueenArrival = 15min.)
[17:04:24] SWIW (Star Wars Imperial Winter)
[17:04:24] [ ] Speed3 (Game speed forced to 3.)
[17:04:24] TeaBag (BA / BAR Chicken Defense : 300s GracePeriod, WaveSpawnRate 45s, 12 Chickens/Player, Hard QueenTime 5 min, Burrow placement avoid players, 2500 Max Units.)
[17:04:24] –> Use “!bPreset <presetName>” to change current battle preset.

If you want to use a funny battle preset, simply type :
!NoT3 (or !bpreset NoT3). See just below for more battle presets description.

To switch back to normal games, type :
In team game battles : !Normal
– In FFA games : !Normal-FFA.


In team game context :
!bpreset Normal

In FFA game type context :
!bpreset Normal-FFA

INFO : No special setting activated.

Default preset, restored after 30s if no player is in-game lobby.

!bpreset NoAir

No air unit in game

!bpreset NoDef

Static defense like active tower (LLT, beamers, HLT, AA…), missiles or mines are disabled.)
NoDef preset is interesting for working on unit micro-management, for avoiding PORCing games.

!bpreset NoKbot

No K-Bot unit in game.

!bpreset NoLOLCanon

For a game without Vulcan and Buzzsaw.

!bpreset NoRush35

!bpreset NoRush50

!bpreset NoRush75

NoRush presets is interesting in a way that it forces you to work on unit micro-management.
35 / 50 / 75 is the limit number of units you can build.This includes all sort of units : Lab, mex, solar, LLT, units, etc…

Limited unit count !
µ-manage your units !!

!bpreset NoT2

T1 war game, no T2 units and also by consequent no T3 units too.

!bpreset NoT3

No experimental Gantry,
No T3 units.

!bpreset NoTime8

!bpreset NoTime12

!bpreset NoTime17

!bpreset NoTime65

At 8, 12, 17 or 65 min Armageddon time (depends of what you have choosen), every immobile unit is destroyed and you fight to the death with what’s left !

NOTA : When Armageddon time occurs, every unit build tentative will be auto-destroyed once built.
You will have really have to finish the game with your units and your com if you still have it.

!bpreset NoVeh

No Vehicule unit in game.


Game is forced at speed level 3.

For instance, use «!bPreset NoAir» for change current battle preset to NoAir preset. The game will run, without any air units.
You can also easier use the battle preset name directly as a command like the following : !NoAir or !noair for instance.