Our team

idle[ACE]Team – 2017 season

Purpose of the team is to meet to play together and having fun while learning without bothering.
It’s not more complicated than that. It’s nice to win, but… don’t be mad to loose also.

[ACE]Team Origins
Player’s name Years in team Last game Previous members since 2012 that didn’t play a game from over 6 months.
in brackets (start-end) year in the team :

[ACE]Ascun (2012-2013),
[ACE]A_____e (2013-2015),
[ACE]Blablabla (2012-2014),
[ACE]BIGNOOB (2012-2013),
[ACE]bioinfornatics (2013-2014),
[ACE]BriseurDeReves (2012),
[ACE]Clone (2012-2014),
[ACE]Crysis (2012),
[ACE]DaftP (2012-2013),
[ACE]Diablo (2012-2014),
[ACE]Flusher (2012-2013),
[ACE]Gasmask (2012-2013),
[ACE]Genjuro (2012-2014),
[ACE]Jauny (2012-2014),
[ACE]JMF (2012-2014),
[ACE]LBM34 (2012-2013),
[ACE]Levieuxbot (2012-2014),
[ACE]MegaBug3 (2012-2014),
[ACE]Nap (2012-2013),
[ACE]Neeko (2012),
[ACE]Newb_Piou2fois (2012-2014),
[ACE]Oscillable (2016),
[ACE]Papyrus (2012-2013),
[ACE]Pmaarc (2012-2013),
[ACE]PsY4 (2012),
[ACE]Pwned (2012),
[ACE]R3FL3X (2012-2013),
[ACE]redgarden (2012-2015),
[ACE]Senethril (2012-2013),
[ACE]Senna (2012-2013),
[ACE]Ventura (2012-2013),
[ACE]Titans72 (2012-2013),
[ACE]ticots (2015),
[ACE]Warslay (2013-2015).

F [ACE]FabriceFABS 2012
M [ACE]Mgl 2012 2012 01/11/2012
M [ACE]Suicide 2012 2012 23/09/2012
7 most active players
ncluding 1 new recruit !
[ACE]babar 2013
[ACE]Bloodmetal 2014
[ACE]DarkSKY 2014
[ACE]Krapoo 2012
[ACE]MadMick 2014
[ACE]Polo 2012
new [ACE]TheCatImperator 2017

If you think coming back to play some more frequently, you experience!
However, feel free to remove the tag [ACE] from your nickname if you do not see more useful.